systemd services |

Securing services with systemd

This blog documents my findings with making a linux application as secure as possible using systemd services.

The problem

Imagine this scenario: You have a linux server and want to host an application that no other user has access to.
You create a new user for this and start the application inside a “screen” or in the background using a shell script.

This enables multiple attack vectors (or configuration problems):

Solution via systemd services

By changing your application from a simple user-started ./myapp into a systemd service you can use the security features enabled by systemd.

Documentation for this:

An example, not-yet-secured systemd .service file (e.g. /etc/systemd/system/restapi.service):

Description=RestAPI iptables.service mariadb.service



(After creating new service files you have to run systemctl daemon-reload)

This creates a service for an application named RestAPI.
It automatically restarts it 1 minute after it crashed (if it crashes) and starts it after the network, iptables and mariadb services loaded.
This application is started with the “restapi” user, which means it has no root privileges when running.

Running a service as a non-root user has many side effects, for example:

Running the service as a user has many advantages, for example:

SystemD, as mentioned in the documentation above, has many more security features than just user services.
This is a fully enhanced systemd service file with comments to explain each feature:

Description=MyRestAPI iptables.service mariadb.service
# Location of this file would be /etc/systemd/system/myrestapi.service (on redhat and debian)

# Type simple is default, service is considered started after process has been started
# Set the user and group that runs this process, highly recommended
# You could also generate a random user that starts this process.
# Warning: user-file ownership will probably be a problem if using this!
# DynamicUser=true

# The starting command for this service, e.g. full path to an executable file
# When to restart, always = if service stopped we restart, no matter the exit code. on-failure = only restart if exit code is non-zero
# Delay between restarts, 1m = 1minute
# You could also set environment variables like this:
#Environment=USER=x HOME=/home/x

# Hardening from now on

# Enable counting of IP bytes in and out for the service
# The following 2 lines enable an IP whitelist for this service
# This allows this application to only communicate with the localhost, neither requests from nor to the internet are allowed
# Service can no longer gain privileges via e.g. setuid or fs caps)
# Creates new /tmp and /var/tmp directories for this process. After this systemd service stops these tmp folders will be removed!
# Filesystem namespacing, doesn't propagate mounts to this process
# Disables /dev/sda,mem,port,etc. (removes @raw-io capabilities)
# Makes /usr,/boot,/efi,/etc read-only
# Prevents hostname/domainname changes
# Makes kernelvariables in /proc,/sys read-only
# Only lets the process see itself in /proc/
# Disables setting SUID/SGID on files
# Files not owned by you appear to be owned by "nobody" (or root)
# Makes directories invisible for the process. Warning, some processes need those!
# To instead make directories read-only use ReadOnlyPaths=
InaccessiblePaths=/bin /boot /lib /lib64 /media /mnt /opt /root /sbin /usr /var
# Redirect the stdout and stderror to a file

# Chroot's the process into the directory.
# Warning: This doesn't work well for non-static binaries!
# RootDirectory=/srv/myrestapi


The above is an example of a systemd service file with nearly all of the security features activated.
If you use the chroot (RootDirectory=) and User= settings above then your application is (nearly) as secure as possible:

Even if someone hacks the application and can execute code, there is no easy way forward as the attacker can neither launch a program/shell (no /bin folder accessible) nor connect to other systems from your server (IPAddressAllow=

This chroot and dynamic-user setup mainly works for Golang REST-APIs only!
Golang applications can be built as a static executable (which don’t need the /lib folder) and a rest api doesn’t need to access files (mainly needs port 80 http and port 3306 mysql).
You can verify if your executable is static by using the ldd tool (e.g. ldd myapp).
If your application is not static or needs connectivity to the outside world without a proxy then it is a bit more complex to setup.
Example: An application needs the /etc/hosts file for DNS resolutions and the /lib folder for e.g. libc libraries. It would also need connectivity to the internet, which means configuring “IPAddressAllow=” will be nearly impossible.


About chroot / RootDirectory=

The main problem with chroot: The /etc/resolv.conf file is not available. This makes DNS resolutions impossible, which means you have to enter in your configs instead of localhost, because your application won’t be able to resolve localhost to the IP address anymore.

If you need DNS then I recommend to use the InaccessiblePaths= configuration and not use chroot anymore.

Chroot is also going to create a few new folders in your target directory (dev,etc,proc,root,sys,tmp,usr,var). They are all empty, but systemd seems to create them automatically when using RootDirectory= and not clean them up after stopping the application.

I highly recommend to only use chroot if you have a very simple and static application.

Troubleshooting exited processes

(All these commands require root)

After creating your service file you have to run systemctl daemon-reload to load them initially.
To start them use systemctl start <myapp>. To check their status (e.g. if they are running) you use systemctl status <myapp>.
To see more of the status log output you can use journalctl -xeu <myapp>.

If the process exited with e.g. status 2,203 or similar then check if your service file is correct and if your directories and ExecStart application actually exists.
Check the stdout.log file (set by StandardOutput=append:/srv/myrestapi/stdout.log) to check for any application errors.
Common mistakes are:

Logs are available by either accessing the stdout.log file or by using journalctl -xe to see the systemd stop reason.