--- title: Example Pandoc Document author: Me, Myself and I date: 10.11.2021 toc: true numbersections: true geometry: margin=3cm urlcolor: blue mainfont: LiberationSans header-includes: | \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \lfoot{Generated with pandoc} \rfoot{Seite \thepage} --- \newpage # Header 1 ## Header 2 This is content. Now an image: ![Utage from Arknights](test.png "test.png image at 50% width"){ width=50% } The next Heading will be on the next page because i write a \\newpage after this sentence. \newpage # Header 3 You can do all things markdown provides, like _italic_ and **bold** and code with 4 spaces echo "Hello World" Hello World Now comes a "list of figures" with \\listoffigures: \listoffigures